Professional Career

Executive Director & President

Headwaters Trails Alliance

  • Developed the Grand County Strategic Trails Plan in 2019.
  • Facilitated and commissioned the Grand County Outdoor Recreation Tourism Economic Impact Study in 2021.
  • Implemented the Trails Smart Sizing Project on USFS land.
  • Implemented the Phases Trail System Redevelopment Project on BLM land.
  • Helped develop Grand County's first Stewardship Ambassador Program.

Meara also regularly works with local government and land management agencies (USFS, BLM, FEF, RMNP, CPW) on outdoor recreation and conservation projects.

Community Involvement


40+ Bridges

30+ Trails

450+ Miles of Trails Annually

5 Fleet Vehicles

$1M Raised yearly

Regional & State Contributions.

Leadership Capability

Meara was also a Faculty Member for the Audubon Expedition Institute/Lesley University teaching/leading an undergraduate program in Environmental Studies and Sustainable EcoTourism in Nepal.

Other Pertinent Experience

Middle Park Health

Funding Director 2010–2014

Winter Park Resort

Retail Supervisor & Events Coordinator Full-Time 2008–2014
Part-Time 2015-Current

Grand Foundation

Grants Coordinator 2007–2008

Gore Range Natural Science School

Faculty Member 2001–2002
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